When “Tintin and the Lake of Sharks” (French: “Tintin et le lac aux requins”) animation film was released in December 1972 by Belvision on a scenario by Greg (Michel Regnier), Belvision put a lot of effort in promoting the film the best they could. Apart from the well known film poster (also designed by Bob De Moor) several other promotional / merchandising items were created. Today we’ll show you a a poster (70 x 100 cm) which was designed by Bob De Moor and published by Belvision in 1973. It’s quite a rare item.

The item was used for the Belgian market, hence the bilingual Tintin/Kuifje heading, and seems to have been used . It depicts several scenes from the film (without the background), but the scenes were re-drawn by Bob De Moor. This happened possibly because none of the fragments depicted are shown in their entirety in the album version. So unlike what many seem to think, these drawings were not the ones as used in the final version nor in the magazine/newspaper versions we have commented on in the past. It suffices to take for instance the 2 thieves entering the Oceanographic Museum in Brussels or the Thomson and Thompson falling over the golf balls to notice that these drawings are quite different from the album versions. For a collector this poster is therefor quite an interesting find.
We don’t have a copy of this poster, if you have one, let us know.
Tomorrow we will take a first dive into the archives of the family De Moor with a find that we didn’t expect at all.