In the archives of the family De Moor we stumbled on a drawing Bob De Moor made for the Studios Hergé (Publiart to be precise) and it shows Captain Haddock, Tintin and Snowy on a boat. Tintin is pointing to a star on the horizon – which is in reality a pint of beer from the Stella Artois brand – and shouts “Stella à babord” which stands for “Stella on the port bow!” The reason why Tintin is referring to Stella and not Stella Artois is because Stella Artois is informally often called Stella. Good to know, stella is also the Latin and Italian word for “star”.

The drawing was according to us never used, at least we couldn’t find back any finalised publicity that represents this drawing. In case you have seen this before, contacts us please.
For the non beer fanatics, a Stella is a pilsner beer of between 4.8 and 5.2% ABV (Alcohol by volume). It has been brewed in Leuven, Belgium, since 1926, although it is being brewed in other locations as well now. A lower alcohol content (4% ABV) version is also sold in the UK, Republic of Ireland, Canada and New Zealand and actually tastes different due to this; Belgians often refer to this version as being dishwater. Stella Artois is one of the prominent brands of Anheuser-Busch InBev, the world’s largest brewer.