Yesterday we published a follow up to our March 5th article about the cartoon ‘Salon van de Vlaamse Humor‘ by Bob De Moor. We were able to prove that the drawing dated from the 60s. And today we can also pinpoint a final date to it: 1961. It was again Yves Kerremans who went searching for some extra info.

Yesterday we showed a table which was printed in the 1971 publication of “Beknopt Verslach een overzicht van 20 jaar Salon van de Vlaamse Humor“ which showed that Bob De Moor had participated in the first 5 editions of the ‘Salon van de Vlaamse Humor’: 1952, 1954, 1959, 1961 en 1963. Since the cartoon clearly showed De Moor’s style from the 60s we were pretty sure that the cartoon had either been drawn in 1961 or 1963.

But the quest has now reached its end. Yesterday evening Yves Kerremans informed that he had found back a publication of said salon in 1961 (the 4th edition), in which the cartoon we have been writing about is also published. In other words, the enigma has been solved :). The booklet also holds a short bio of Bob De Moor which we publish on the left.
Thanks to Yves Kerremans for tracking this down!