As you all know, Citroën was a brand of cars which always have had a special place in the over of Bob De Moor. The Citroën cars pop up in almost every Barelli album plus he also made a special Citroën cover for the book “La 22, Enquête sur une mystérieuse Citroën” by Hervé Laronde and Fabien Sabatès published by Rétroviseur in 1994. And that wouldn’t be the only Bob De Moor related Citroën drawing which would hit the market around that time.

For the 1994 Citroën calendar, the car producer (via Le Lombard) had asked Johan De Moor to offer a drawing for the June page. The idea was that each comic author would make a drawing representing a Citroën car placed in one of the most beautiful lanes the world had on offer at that time. The text on the front of the calendar was “En 1994, tous les chemins ne mènent pas à Rome. Cette année, Citroën défile sur les plus belles avenues du monde” (freely translated as: In 1994 not all roads lead to Rome. This year Citroën passes through the most beautiful lanes in the world.).
Back to Johan De Moor. The son of Bob De Moor found no better way than to create a drawing featuring not only Barelli driving a Citroën AX on the Gran Via in Madrid, but also the famous spy trio The Coconuts (from the Barelli album “The secret agents”) offering a ‘devilish’ soundtrack as the text underneath the drawing explains.
Johan De Moor signed with this put below his signature: (Bob De Moor Inv.). We tried getting Johan on the line tonight for the meaning of that ‘Inv.’ but he was unreachable, we’ll update when we get hold of him :).