Barelli dissected – the sketch and the final version of ‘Barelli in bruisend Brussel’ (part 1)

Geert De Sutter sent us a few scanned pages of the preliminary sketches Bob De Moor made. The scans exist because Bob De Moor always asked that Geert De Sutter would make A3 copies of the sketches before to start working on them. The page we show you today is the first page of the “Barelli in bruisend Brussel” album. [caption id="attachment_1505"

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Pieter Bruegel the Elder seen through the eyes of Bob De Moor (Part 1)

In 1979 and 1980 the Stripcentrum Karel Driesen, aka SDK, released a series of postcards including work by Franquin, Willy Vandersteen, Marc Sleen and also Bob De Moor. The postcards nowadays fetches up to 35 Euros, depending on the comic author featured, nevertheless they are not that widely known, at least not to the big public. [caption id="attachment_1463" align="alignleft" width="300"] The cartoon as

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